A STUDY OF THE COMMODITY MARKET With Charts and Rules for Successful Trading and Investing
W.D. Gann is considered to be the greatest trader of all time. This book reveals how to make profits on the commodities exchanges. It combines theory and practice, and through its straightforward, logical approach, Gann presents an excellent case for making money in commodities. The book to which Mr. Gann claimed he gave the best years of his experience, How to Make Profits In Commodities is the favorite of among Gann-fan commodity traders and stock traders worldwide!
Gann’s Note:
I am writing this book to supply a universal demand and give rules that will forecast the trend of commodities. Conditions have changed rapidly during the last few years and will change more rapidly after this great war is over than ever before in history. Men will return to the soil of Mother Nature to make a living. Invetors and speculators will have to look for new ways to make money in the future and will find it more difficult in the stock market: therefor,the necessities of life, the basic commodities will offer greater opportunities than investments in stocks and bonds. providing the trader knows the rules to follow.
My object is to write somtthing that will helpful to people in trade lines and to those who have long years of experience in the commodity market. as well as the inexperienced trader who wants knowledge and needs to learn the ways to start right.and to protect his capital and make profits. Life affords no greater than pleasure than that of helping others who are trying to help themselves.
I am going to give the best of my forty years of experience in this book. and I hope to show others the way to help themselves and follow mathematical rules in the commodity market. which will result in protits. I do not believe in gambling or reckless speculation, but am firmly conviced after years of experience that if traders will follow rules and trade on definie indications. that speculation can be made a profitable profession. Trading in commodities is not a gambling business as some people think. but a practical safte business when conducted on business principles.
I offer this book to the public with a sincere conviction than if they put in the time studying. they will derive great benefits.
How to Make Profits In Commodities By William Delbert Gann
About Gann Course Team
The Gann Course Blog Team consists of seasoned traders, financial analysts, and Gann method experts dedicated to demystifying W.D. Gann's powerful trading techniques. With decades of combined experience in applying Gann's principles to various markets, our authors bring a wealth of practical knowledge and insights to every article.
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